Mustang Creek and Lake Benbrook

I have been trying to find some new locations around town to add as potential photography locations.  Having choices of spots that can adapt to the seasons gives me options I can use throughout the year to make images locally.

After spending some time with Google Maps, I decided to look at a park where Mustang Creek meets Lake Benbrook as a place for potential.  There are some places I photograph Mustang Creek as it flows the the remnant prairies of Tarrant County so I knew it already had potential.

I do not often photograph around the lake itself, but the map looked promising.

I drove out there for a sunrise and found it to be a pretty decent location.  The clouds were few that morning, really just a small band in the east but by swapping out my normal 17-40mm lens for the 70-200mm lens I was able to compress the scene to show the creek and capture the few clouds in the sky.

These is no way I could have gotten a decent image with the wide lens that morning and this became one of those rare occasions I was able to put the long lens to use for a decent image.

I followed the creek down it's last few hundred yards until it joined the waters of Lake Benbrook and was able to add an image with the low water levels in the lake (we are in a drought) and the final bends of the creek.


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